I send a newsletter once a week on Thursdays. I like to include up to three different free books in my newsletter. If you’d like to have your book featured, please fill out the form below and book your slot. Once I accept your booking I will send you an email letting you know and another email with the specific information for my book you’re featuring. The form is configured so I should have everything I need. (I will grab your cover from your website or retailer link.)
In addition to sending out your book to my newsletter subscribers I will also put it in a weekly blog post.
Current newsletter subscribers: ~5000
My Books

Mates and Allies | M/M/M/M in progress serial | You’ll receive link to story with 2 public episodes and more episodes being added for followers and subscribers each month.

Saving HIs Elvensteed | M/M novella leads into a M/M/M/M series | You’ll receive a link to download directly from my website