I’m happy to announce that Frenchman’s Cowboy is now available! I really enjoyed revisiting this story and think I’ll be writing more novellas and novelettes set in the Cowboy Matchmaker contemporary world. I hope you enjoy this second except. If you’d like to read an earlier one, check out this post.
“Okay, I have to get out of here.” Dustin sat on the edge for a moment, his feet dangling in the water. Then, he grabbed a towel and gingerly swung his legs over to stand.
“Knee bothering you?” Tony opened the drain then stepped from the Jacuzzi.
“Yeah. I’d say I’m getting too old for this shit, but I love it.” He let his towel drop to the floor and padded naked, a hitch in his step, to the bedroom. Tony followed. Dustin pulled the covers back and sat on the sheets, running his hands over them. “Man, normally I sleep in my truck or, if I’m too banged up, a Super 8 or something with a bed. This is nice.” He reclined.
Tony handed him a bolster. “For your knee.” He slid it into position and saw the cowboy smile as he rested against it.
“You stay at places this nice all the time? Can’t picture you in something for under $100 a night. You probably enjoy all these fruity pillows.” He grabbed the remote to finger the buttons, but didn’t turn on the television that Dustin had turned off as soon as he’d opened the door.
“Usually. Though it’s either the team or one of my modeling jobs putting me up, too. Don’t worry. I’ve stayed at my share of budget motels.” Maybe this would be the conversation they needed to have. Tony held his breath for a moment, then released it. He had to pierce the image Dustin had of him as a fancy, rich boy.
Tony’s cock rose half-erect. Dustin must have noticed, but didn’t do anything, and frankly, after the soak and the sex, Tony doubted he could go another round.
At least not for a while. The other man must have felt the same way because he turned on the television, heading for a country station that usually showed rodeos on rerun.
“I’m a little surprised at that,” Dustin drawled. He didn’t say more, and Tony appreciated his restraint. They’d fought enough about his wealthy upbringing and life, and he was thankful that they weren’t going to fight again. Dustin had said a lot worse when they’d been together. He muttered something at the television about the cowboy on screen never being able to stick to a bronc when it counted.
Tony shifted, getting more comfortable. “So how does one stick to a bronc?”
Chicken! He needed to finish the conversation, and yet, couldn’t quite bring himself to close the deal. Maybe he could get him talking about rodeo—and he truly wanted to hear his insights—then they could talk about other things.
“You become interested in rodeo?” Dustin turned the volume down a couple of clicks. “Well, it’s all about setting your feet and getting in rhythm with the horse.”
He didn’t wait for an answer to his first question, simply started talking about how getting in rhythm with the horse helped to ride over the jumps and kicks, and as long as the feet were set with each jump the judges would score highly.
Pulling up on the rein gave him leverage, though a real cowboy rode with his seat and legs, never his hands.
Though it was completely different from the polo Tony played, the mechanics sounded very similar. Riding in an English saddle required the same use of seat and legs, obviously not as vigorously. Balance held the key to riding well, especially in his fast-moving sport. They talked about riding, sports, always staying away from the jousting show—Tony figured neither one of them would be returning when they did the casting call again—for close to an hour. The rodeo on television ended and another began: bull riding.
“Those guys are crazy,” Dustin commented. “Sure, a horse could step on you or kick you. I’ve had some pretty hard falls.” He didn’t have to point to his bruises to prove his point. “But bulls will hook you as soon as look at you. They’re mean sons of bitches.”
Tony couldn’t disagree. Bucking horses calmed down, and well-trained polo ponies sometimes got a little fresh and bucked and snorted a bit before a match.
A few of his horses had been too fresh; to him a few too many.
“I’m going to Amarillo in the morning. I can’t stop riding circuit,” Dustin said abruptly. He flipped off the television and rolled over to his side. The sheet slipped down to his hips, revealing the arrow of hair leading down to his cock.
For a moment Tony wanted to lose himself in the pleasure the trail promised. He couldn’t. Not right then, because something big was happening to both of them. Just like Dustin on those bucking horses, he had to ride it through to the end, no matter what happened.
Frenchman’s Cowboy was released on January 14 at all major ebook retailers and is also available to purchase now at the Spicy Ebooks bookstore in epub format for immediate reading.
Interesting snippet. Thanks for sharing.