Welcome to another Snippet Sunday here at the Spicy Ebooks blog. This week I’m bringing you a snippet from my free book, Saving His Elven Steed. You can grab this book for free right here on the website. I hope you enjoy!

Tibis entered the barn, closing the door to make a more enclosed space for his new rescues. He went to his office and put on a pot of coffee. Something told him he’d probably need it when it came to those mustang geldings, and maybe that stallion too. His goal was to get the horses into a round pen, see how they reacted and start the next phase of their lives. And while he couldn’t turn them out into one of the large pastures just yet, he admitted he couldn’t wait to run with them.

He carried his coffee down the aisle with him, pausing to look into the large, double stall. The geldings dozed, evidence of eating and drinking, and one corner of the stall needed to be cleaned, all signs that they were settling into their new home. Good, Tibis thought to himself. The horses had no history, just a clear title from the BLM, but he bet they’d come around. They always did.

He strolled down the aisle, realizing he couldn’t see the large, black stallion through the bars in the stall. A knot of worry formed in his stomach, thinking maybe the stud had worried himself into a colic. He increased his pace, his boots making his footfalls echo in the nearly empty barn. One of the geldings turned its head and looked in his direction, then resumed nosing around the nearly-empty hay manger. I’ll get you more in a moment. Let me make sure the stud is all right.

He reached the stall and turned, looking down into the thick bedding of shavings. He’d expected to see the black horse laying down, stretched out, maybe something more dire than a nap. Instead, he didn’t quite register what he was seeing, except it wasn’t the horse. He closed his fingers around the latch, unhooking it. Then took a deep breath to steady himself and stopped.

The scent invading his lungs reminded him of running in a lush, grassy meadow after a rain, the air fresh and the grasses pungent beneath his feet. The scent of fresh cut hay, full of vitality and nutrients, combined with the satisfaction of knowing the land provided for his family filled him and when he looked down at the naked man laying sound asleep in the stall, he realized what he was looking at. From the ethereal glow to his skin to the long, shiny black hair the same color as the stallion’s coat flowing like a waterfall of midnight down past his buttocks, he realized he was looking at an Elven Steed in its human form.

“Holy shit, they exist,” he said under his breath.

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